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Bulova Ad December 1963


Bulova Ad from December 3, 1963 Life magazine.

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Bulova Ad December 1963Black and white 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad that announces that there are 99 Diamond Watch Styles from Bulova. Pictured in this ad are, supposedly, 99 well-dressed women staring ahead through a pair of opera glasses as the headline announces there are “99 ways to out-dazzle the diva”. It then asks “Why this glittering gathering of opera-goers? To illustrate a most applaudable fact: Bulova makes 99 diamond watch styles – a different style for every woman in this audience, from deb to dowager. Fact is: Bulova makes more kinds of watches, in more styles, in a wider range of prices, than anyone else in the world. But quantity is only half the story. Bulova gives you more quality, too. Case in point: diamond watches. Bulova diamond experts have eyes for nothing but dewdrop-clear gems. Every cloudy or broken stone is rejected. Bulova actually turns down more diamonds than all other watchmakers use. And we custom-set each precious stone so it stays set”. The ad goes on for longer but they do claim that they sell watches priced from $25 to $2500.

Source:  December 3, 1963 Life magazine.