Buick Skylark Ad November 1966


Buick Skylark Ad from November 11, 1966 Life magazine & December 3, 1966 Saturday Evening Post.

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Buick Skylark Ad November 1966Buick Skylark – Full color 10″ x 13″ ad shows a white Skylark parked in front of a large group of people. The headline says “In ’67 Buick and the text urges you to “Get in with the In Crowd in a Skylark. It continues with a few of the reasons that people are buying Buick Skylarks and ends with the logic that “Four out of five new-car buyers pay Buick-sized prices. Shouldn’t you have the Buick.

Source:  November 11, 1966 Life magazine & December 3, 1966 Saturday Evening Post.