Buick Riviera Ad July 1965


Buick Riviera Ad from July 16, 1965 Life magazine.

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Buick Riviera Ad July 1965Buick Riviera – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that has a photo of a Dark Blue Buick Riviera, twisted at somewhat of an angle, parked in front of a lady in a White and Black checked suit and a dark hat while the caption says “The closer you get to Riviera, the further it is from everything else on the road”. The text tells us that “It is true that certain other cars look a little like Riviera, especially if you stand off a ways and kind of squint. And no wonder. A car as successful as Riviera is bound to have imitators. But the resemblance comes to a sudden halt when you settle yourself in one of Riviera‘s buckets and set things in motion. This is an honest-to-goodness thoroughbred, with a Super Turbine automatic funneling 325 horsepower back to you”. At the end of the text it asks the certain question, “Wouldn’t you really rather have a Buick“.

Source:  July 16, 1965 Life magazine.