Buick Opel Ad March 1969


Buick Opel Ad from March 7, 1969 Life magazine & April 15, 1969 Look magazine.

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Buick Opel Ad March 1969Opel Kadett Deluxe 2-Door Wagon – Full color 10″ x 13″ ad that shows this vehicle being compared to an elephant, the good points of an elephant. The ad headline calls it “The Family Mini-Brute” and the picture shows a family riding in a Red Opel Kadett Deluxe 2-door Wagon as an elephant trods behind them with a boat on its back. The text makes note of, for the first time, it being equipped with a fully automatic 3-speed transmission. It then mentions several other items that are standard on each Opel and lists the models that were available that year.

Source:  March 7, 1969 Life magazine & April 15, 1969 Look magazine.