Buick Opel Ad June 1966


Buick Opel Ad from June 3, 1966 & July 15, 1966 Life magazine.

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Buick Opel Ad June 1966Buick Opel Kadett – Full color 10″ x 13″ ad has a picture of a country style house on a river and a family with eight kids and two Buick Opels, a red one and a white one. The ad headline describes the message in the ad as “How to be a two-car family on a one-car budget”. It continues on by saying “Our special family plan – two great little cars for the price of one great big one”. This has you start to thinking. “Use the sport coupe to drive back and forth to work. It’s 54-hp engine never gulps gas – it sips it. In comparison with a big car, you’ll probably get four or five round trips free”. That’s worth thinking about. “Peace of mind is something else to consider. When you leave for a round of golf with the boys, you don’t leave mama and the kiddies stranded at home. She has her own car, our station wagon”. There is a table in the right side that shows the five General Motors lowest-priced cars, both in the East and the West.

Source:  June 3, 1966 & July 15, 1966 Life magazine.