Buick Ad June 1959


Buick Ad from June 29, 1959 Life magazine.

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Buick Ad June 1959Buick – Full color 10″ x 14″ ad that introduces you to the Most Talked-About Style Of Today”. This is the 1959 Buick which is shown sitting in a driveway getting loaded up with a man, his wife, and their two children. The car is a Black Convertible Buick, with it’s top down, and they seem to be ready to take an afternoon drive. The text tells us that “Right from the start there was talk about this ’59 Buick‘s style. Clean, fresh, totally new, designed to stay new for years to come…and as the year rolls on, more and more we hear enthusiasm from owners for the pleasures beneath the eye-stopping style. Owners tell of 15 to 18 miles per gallon”, don’t want to many people reading about that, “from the engines and transmissions Buick ever built. They talk of the amazing quietness of these cars and of their superb riding comfort and road ability. They take the extra safety of brakes found only on Buick in America today…big, fast-acting, sure-footed brakes with aluminum front drums, fin-cooled both front and rear”.

Source:  June 29, 1959 Life magazine.