Birds Eye Ad 1951 October


Birds Eye Ad from October 15, 1951 Life magazine.

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Birds Eye Ad 1951 OctoberFull color 9 1/2″ x 13 3/4″ ad for Birds Eye Chicken Parts. The ad says that these are Chicken Parts and the text says of these that Birds Eye now has CHICKEN PARTS for you. Packaged seperately, so you can have the part you like best every time. Thighs, breasts, drumsticks, gizzards, wings, livers. Pick up a package of the parts you like best today”. This ad has five different cartoons scattered around: the first one shows a lady sitting on a stool, weighing eggs and saying “We grow Birds Eye Fryers from pedigreed eggs,softed by size and weight”. Next there is a lady dressed up as a nurse and looking at eggs in an incubator and saying that “We hatch them in incubators that are as carefully tended as hospital nurseries”. Third, there is a little boy who is playing with just-born chickens, walking them up a ramp into the second story of a toy house and he is saying that “We pick out the super-perfect chicks and raise them in heated houses…clean as a whistle”. Then, there is a little girl feeding a baby chicken who is in a rocking bed and she claims that “We feed them a super diet and keep them quiet so they develop chicken meat…not muscle”. Last, there is a little boy staring at a full-grown chicken, one that is already cooked, and saying that “We clean and pinfeather them, cut them up for frying! Best chicken you ever ate”.

Source:  October 15, 1951 Life magazine.