BF Goodrich Tires Ad October 1958


BF Goodrich Tires Ad from October 5, 1958 Life magazine.

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BF Goodrich Tires Ad October 1958Black and white 10″ x 14″ ad for their Silvertown Tires. There is a picture of a car that is covered by a tarp and a man has removed his overcoat and hat and dropped to his hands and knees to lift the portion of the tarp covering the left front wheel so that he can get a sneak peek. The headline tells us that “The newest new cars are coming through on B.F. Goodrich tires made with with TYREX”. The text begins by asking the question that everyone was probably asking, “Wait a minute. What’s TYREX” and continues on with a question and answer exchange that explains what it is and that it is being used exclusively on their Silvertown tires.

Source:  October 5, 1958 Life magazine.