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Bassmaster Magazine 1989 March


Bassmaster Magazine 1989 March


Contents:  The Seasonal Patterns Of Bass – Part IV: Spawning Bass Locations (Almost anyone can catch bass during this period. That’s a promise – and maybe a problem), Columbia River Bronze (Fishermen are few but smallmouths are abundant and big on this river in Washington and Oregon), Swamp Bass Basics (An untapped world of big bass waits to be discovered in America’s wilderness swamp), The Bass Trackers (Scientists tracking bass by telemetry have discovered some surprising things about our favorite fish), Making Contact (Give your lures lifelike action with the venerable bump-the-stump retrieve), Exposing Secrets Of Natural Lakes (Escape the rut of fishing familiar waters by learning to find and analyze new lakes quickly), Speed Is The Key (Of all the ingredients of successful fishing, few are more critical than using the right lures at the correct speed), Structure Basics: How To Fish Grassbeds (Aquatic grass serves as a bass magnet, whether it grows shallow or deep), A Hollywood Script For Gitzits And Grubs (Cross-country competition among pro anglers is producing a trend toward subtle baits and techniques), Trolling Motors For 1989 (New trolling motors are quieter and more durable than ever), How To Sweeten Your Dock (Here’s how to turn an ordinary boat dock into a bass-holding honey hole), Top Secrets For Topwaters (There’s a lot more to working surface lures than simply chunkin’ ’em out and reelin’ ’em back), Spinnerflipping For Bass (In some situations, flipping with spinning gear is the best remedy for uncooperative bass), Banzai Bassin’ (Japanese anglers are developing a yen for competitive bass fishing), Ledges And Drops: The Primary Structures (Fishing these deep-water structures needn’t be complicated, if you’ll follow a few basic rules), Super Floaters Catch Big Bass (Big bass go wild for weird-colored floating worms and lizards) Short Casts – Buckskin Jigs For Bass, A Victory For Public Access, Mud Lake: A Most Unusual Lake, Even Bass Need Rain Regular Features – About This Issue, Scott On The Line, Mail Call, Moon Times, Short Casts, The Tournament Trail, The Tacklebox, Harry ‘N’ Charlie, Bass In Action, The Way It Was, For Your Information, Trading Post, Weekend Angler, Coming Up

Issue:  March 1989

Condition:  Very Good