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Baker’s Ad 1951


Baker’s Ad from April 1951 Woman’s Home Companion.

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Baker's Ad 1951Full color 5″ x 13 1/2″ ad that is for Baker’s Coconut in an ad that offers you “Spring in a Pie Shell! Three New Baker’s Coconut Beauties!”. This ad says “All the magic – all the fresh beauty of spring go into your pie-making when you conspire with luscious Baker’s Coconut! And here’s a garden of gay beauties to pick from. Spring Posie Pie – so rich with toasted Baker’s CoconutPink Blossom – luscious chocolate pie. Ambrosia Pie – gold and white and flavor-fresh with Baker’s Coconut! Choose one now – for tonight’s dessert!”. It does contain the recipes for each of these delicious pies in the ad.

Source:  April 1951 Woman’s Home Companion.