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Awesome Whitetails Magazine 2007 December


Awesome Whitetails Magazine 2007 December


Contents:  The Minnesota Twins (Although these two great Minnesota bucks were killed several years apart in different areas, they do have some striking similarities in spread, tine length and total score); Illinois’ Biggest 10-Pointer Ever! (When Charles Rives and his family headed out to hunt during the much-anticipated first firearms season last year, they just hoped to shoot some good deer. Never in a million years did Charlie expect to shoot the state’s biggest 10-pointer of all time); The Hunt For Big Boy (Hunting a mature buck is never easy, but when you look at all of the obstacles this West Virginia bowhunter had to overcome in order to arrow his dream buck, you’ll have to agree that he really paid his dues); History In Ohio – The Amish Buck (With the likes of the Hole in the Horn buck from the early 1940’s, Mike Beatty’s world record bow buck from 2000, and dozens of other world-record bucks hailing from the Buckeye State, John Schmucker did his part last year to keep the tradition alive and well); Moses Of Buffalo County (Dozens of trail camera photos were taken of him, four sets of his shed antlers were found, there were numerous sightings and near misses of him by hopeful hunters, and several times he was actually hit with arrows, but still he eluded hunters. This amazing buck seemed to live a charmed life); Payoff At Two Rivers (Eight years ago, three hard-working whitetail fanatics bought some prime land in Arkansas on the Mississippi River. Their dream was to grow some big bucks. Last season, that dream became a reality for David Jordening, one of the partners); Like Father, Like Son (For the father-and-son team of Nick and Ryan Inglis of Summitville, Indiana, Nov. 24, 2006, will always be a day filled with incredible memories); The ‘Come Back’ Giant (From start to finish, Dr. Ross Simonds’ last-minute hunt for a Washington State bruiser is one of the most incredible stories you’ll ever read); A 12,000 Mile Obsession (After Jim Riggle and his hunting partner got a trail camera photo of a true Pennsylvania megabuck, Jim left no stone unturned in his quest to bring down the big buck that many claimed was ‘unkillable’); Hoosier Hope (In recent years, it’s been tougher and tougher for Allan Miller and his sons to find a good place to hunt near their home in Danville, Indiana. Last year, Allan found just the right spot); Patty’s Big Buck (Avid whitetail hunter Patty White saw this great Oklahoma buck in 2005, but she couldn’t get a shot. On the third day of the 2006 season, she met the giant buck face to face, and she knew what to do); A Wisconsin ‘If’ Buck (When Johnny King set out with his brother and other family members to embark on a deer drive last November, he shot a massive 6 x 6 megabuck that could have been a world record if…); The Mingo Buck (When Paul Deaton of Mingo, Iowa, went hunting with a good friend on opening day of Iowa’s second shotgun season last year, he gladly would have settled for a doe. Instead, he came home with one of Iowa’s best bucks of the 2006 season); New Jersey Dream Buck (Hunting near his home in Monmouth County, New Jersey, in 2004, Jim Porcelli downed one of the state’s all-time greatest typicals); The Kansas Curse (For avid Michigan bowhunter Russ Van Zoeren, it seemed as though he would never get a chance at a true Kansas giant, despite years of trying. Then, in 2006, everything changed

Issue:  December 2007

Condition:  Very Good