Autolite Spark Plugs Ad 1968


Autolite Spark Plugs Ad from March 15, 1968 Life magazine.

1 in stock


Autolite Spark Plugs Ad 1968Full color 9 3/4″ x 14″ ad for Autolite Spark Plugs. There is an angled view of a blue race-car on the Bonneville Salt Flats and the headline says “When this $50,000 monster broke 4 world speed records, you can bet they didn’t scrimp on spark plugs. They used Autolite plugs. Like you buy. About $1 each”. The text then tells us that “You’re looking at one of the world’s fastest single-engine cars, Bob Herda’s #999. Last November, it roared down the Bonneville Salt Flats at a top speed of 357.391 miles an hour, setting four new International Class B records. That feat was the result of ten years of painstaking work. Almost every part was designed, engineered, machined and modified exclusively for this car. But not the spark plugs. They were picked right off the shelf. They’re Autolite plugs. The same kind you buy. About $1 each. How come $1 spark plugs in a $50,000 speed machine? Because there are no better plugs. Not at any price. So put this kind of spark plug in your kind of car. Whatever kind of car you drive. Autolite…the only name you need to know for spark plugs, batteries, filters, shock absorbers and complete ignition systems”.

Source:  March 15, 1968 Life magazine.