Autocar Trucks Ad 1937


Autocar Trucks Ad from June 21, 1937 Life magazine.

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Autocar Trucks – Black and white 9″ x 13″ ad for the line of Autocar Trucks. The headline on this ad is “The Lowest-Priced Trucks Ever To Carry The Autocar Name…to do this, they’ve got to be good”. They have two of these trucks illustrated, the first one is “The low-priced, short-wheelbase Autocar you’ve demanded. Offered after 30 years development by the originators of short-wheelbase design. Chassis: $1095 up…at Factory”. The second one is “Carrying heavy-duty stamina and methods further into the light-duty field, Autocar now rounds out its line with four new models which, following the usual Autocar policy, are produced in both the conventional and short-wheelbase design. Chassis: $1095 up…at Factory”.

Source:  June 21, 1937 Life magazine.