Atlas Tires Ad 1964


Atlas Tires Ad from August 21, 1964 Life magazine.

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Atlas Tires Ad 1964Three color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Atlas Tires sold by Your American Oil Dealer. This is a very simple ad that has nine pictures, three rows of three, that tell the story. The first row is captioned “Where do you go to get the best tires” and the three pictures each show a tire sitting there, the first one saying Atlas Grip-Safe”, the second one saying Atlas Plycron” and the third one saying Atlas Mud & Snow”. The caption in the second row says “and the best buy and the best guarantee” and the three pictures show two tires standing and the third one looking at the treads. The first picture says Atlas Weathergard”, the second one says Amoco 120 Super Tire” and the third one, the one looking at the treads, shows the Atlas Quick Action Guarantee”. The third set of three has the caption saying “and no cash needed and very fast service?” with the first picture showing an American Oil credit card and the second picture shows a man quickly working on changing the tire. The ninth picture has a picture of a very serene looking man with an American cap on with the caption saying “Ask me. Just ask”.

Source:  August 21, 1964 Life magazine.