Arrow Shirts Ad June 1960


Arrow Shirts Ad from June 6, 1960 Life magazine.

1 in stock


Arrow Shirts Ad June 1960Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that describes some of the Arrow Shirts that you could be buying at this time period. The ad photo shows a man in a short sleeve white shirt, a Wash and Wear “Bi-Way” Shirt, as he is standing there being admired by a lady in western clothes and a man sitting on a horse. The ad headline says that “Wherever you go, you look better in an Arrow Shirt. The ad then says that “In Texas or Timbuktu, this newest Arrow Bi-Way shirt is a cool favorite. “Sanforized” wash and wear all-cotton in the famous Air Male weave. Half sleeves cuffed for neatness. Trim BiWay collar looks perfect open or closed. From 4.25. All-silk ties, 2.50″.

Source:  June 6, 1960 Life magazine.