America’s Civil War Magazine 1993 November


America’s Civil War Magazine 1993 November

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Contents:  A Mighty Mean-Fought Fight (Fiery little Nathaniel Lyon refused to compromise with Missouri Secessionist. At Wilson’s Creek, he paid the full price for his intransigence), Daring Rear-Guard Defense (While the rest of the Army of Tennessee reeled away from Missionary Ridge in panicky defeat, Irish-born Patrick Cleburne and his crack division rallied around their famous blue-and-white battle flag), Wolf At The Door (Georgia Governor Joseph E. Brown led an eleventh-hour attempt to make peace with William Tecumseh Sherman and his invading hordes. Was it statism, patriotism – or treason?), Roadblock En Route To Washington (With Confederate General Jubal Early racing unchecked down the Shenandoah Valley toward Washington, only a disgraced young general and his raging force stood between Rebels and the nation’s capital)

Issue:  November 1993

Condition:  Very Good