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American Rifleman Magazine 1973 March


American Rifleman Magazine 1973 March


Contents:  How To Kill a Republican, Can The Second Amendment Survive?, Grandfather’s Views On Guns, Whitetail: The Number One Trophy, Why Do Some Bullets Fly Faster, Longer?, Aluminum Sprue Plate Rated High, How The Navy Drifted into Buying ‘Navies’, A Carbine From Your 99, Rolling Blocks With a Swedish Accent, Six Bills Would End GCA 1968, Arms Makers Try Tougher Gun Finish, Are Smallbore Targets Too Easy?, Cordite Saw Long Service With British, Imported Woods For Gunstocks, Know Your State Associations, NRA Annual Meetings, Shooting Champs Are Made at Camps

Issue:  March 1973

Condition:  Very Good