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American Rifleman Magazine 1972 July


American Rifleman Magazine 1972 July


Contents:  Our Great Outdoors, One With a Gun, One With a Hammer, Putting On The Bite For Wolves, The Signs Are There, The Winchester Model 1895 Musket, Community Range Is Good For All, Build Your Own Percussion Shotgun, Varmint Hunt at 7,000 Feet, Hunting Life Under Canvas: Delight…or Disaster, Inventors Won’t Quit On The Rocket Ball, The Scope of Eye Relief, Rarities of the Revolution, Fresh move Made to Repeal 1968 Act, Unions Rap AFL-CIO, Support NRA Position, A Rifle Bench To Stand The Test of Time, State Association Workshop Well Attended, Choke Can Strangle Your Shotgunning, Remington Model 510 Rifle

Issue:  July 1972

Condition:  Very Good