Contents: Ways to Stop the Stolen Gun Wave, To Control Predators, Learn How to Call Them, He Fought the Good Fight for Guns, Why Gun Registration Can’t Cut Crime, 150 Handguns Given Hazard Tests, Firing Worthy Scores at 1,000 Yards, Ruger Produces a Trim Double-Action, Why the Horror in Hunting Films?, U,S. Humane Society Hits at Hunting, Determining Wound Ballistics, Charles Newton: Father of the .25-06, Pre-Season Scouting Substitute, Finding Your Way, National Shooting Center Proposed, Centennial Guns Given to Museum, Anti ’68 Gun Law Bills Flood House Committee, Kennedy, ‘Misunderstood’, Would Explain to NRA, Remington Model 788 Rifle
Issue: May 1971
Condition: Very Good