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American Rifleman Magazine 1970 June


American Rifleman Magazine 1970 June


Contents:  The Good That Gun Shows Do, Knowing What High Power Accessories To Buy, Int’l Shoots Find Tribes of Helpers, Handgun Owners “Whipped” On TV, Browning BT-99 Shotgun, Where We Stand On Gun Laws, NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits: Improving NRA Programs, The Future of Hunting, Clubs Must Vary Programs, Officials Laud NRA Stand, A Decade’s Accomplishments, New Directors and Executive Committeemen, Advice For Women at Home, NRA Activities in 1969, Transporting Your Firearm, Don’t Be Mistaken For a Hijacker, Soviet Pistol Similar to U.S. M1911, The Explosions That Didn’t Occur, Anti-Bomb Bills Pile Up in Congress, West German Army Chooses New Guns, Fakery in Antique Arms Revealed by Acid Test, Chronograph Offered Handloaders, NRA Shooters Win Combat Honors, Remington Model 514A Rifle

Issue:  June 1970

Condition:  Very Good