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American Rifleman Magazine 1970 February


American Rifleman Magazine 1970 February


Contents:  Show Your Voter Registration Caard, 56 Schools Participate in KSU Shoot, Fast Flying Doves Defy Hunter’s Eye, Why Navy Scores Shoot upward, 99th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibit, Firing Remington’s Cal. .50 Pistol, Sporterizing The Rugged Lee-Enfield, The Adams Percussion Revolver: Part 2 of 2, NRA Shooters Win Combat Honors, Franklin L. Orth: 1907 – 1970, How to Figure Muzzle Velocity, Marksmanship Restored in Congressional Bill, Anti-Gun Commission Cost $1,600,000, Remington Model 1100, Inducing The Goose To Be Available, Forest Industry Timberland Benefits Nation’s Hunters

Issue:  February 1970

Condition:  Very Good