American Heritage Magazine 1991 October


American Heritage Magazine 1991 October

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Contents:  Letter From The Editor; Correspondence; The Life And Times (Of JFK); The Business Of America (The corners of Wall and Broad); In The News (Staking a claim on the past); History Happened Here (The ghost of Jonesborough, Tennessee); American Made (The sideboard); My Brush With History (Me ‘n’ Elvis); The Time Machine; Everything You Need To Know About Columbus (Exactly a year from now the world will be marking the five hundredth anniversary of the single most important event of the past millennium. The zeal of one man brought about that event, and his name and talk of his achievements will be omnipresent. Here, then, is a Columbus catechism to help you through the months ahead: Was he really the first? If he sailed for Spain, why do Italians make such a fuss about his birthday? How come America isn’t named for him? Why is he being called a villain now?); Detroit Iron (A tribute to the brash confections our car makers offered the world during a decade when not one American in a thousand had ever heard of a Toyota); The Business Of Boxing (It has always been sport and business. Today it’s a multimillion-dollar industry. It got that way through a handful of dramatic – and dramatized – clashes between heavyweight titans. Here are the bouts that built the modern sport); Naming A Justice: It Has Always Been Politics As Usual (Supreme Court vacancies have provoked fierce, colorful – and wholly partisan – battles since the earliest years of the Republic); Legacy Of Violence (Sociologists continue to be vexed by the pathology of urban violence: Why is it so random, so fierce, so easily triggered? One answer may be found in our Southern past); Editors’ Bookshelf

Issue:  October 1991

Condition:  Very Good