American Heritage Magazine 1991 May – June


American Heritage Magazine 1991 May – June

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Contents:  Letter From The Editor; Correspondence; The Life And Times (Of Elisha Hunt Rhodes); The Business Of America (The other great depression); In The News (Seeking a real tax revolt); History Happened Here (Wyoming safari); American Made (The gas range); My Brush With History (Not right for the part); The Time Machine; Are We Really Going The Way Of The British Empire? (Those who believe America’s power is on the wane look to the example of Britain’s shockingly quick collapse. But the similarities may be less alarming than they seem); Getting Right With Robert E. Lee (By the turn of the century, the Confederacy’s greatest general was not just a Southern hero but a national one, an emblem of all that was honorable, gallant and courteous in the American past. Recently, revisionists have worked to uncover the true character of a man whose virtue they find relentless. Here, a Civil War historian seeks out the actual R. E. Lee; and in an accompanying sidebar, the novelist Lamar Herrin explains how the general moved in and captured his latest book); Black And White And Red (Communist international paid to send a cast of American blacks to Moscow to make a movie about American racial injustice. The scheme backfired); Williamsburg On The Subway (In the most self-consuming of cities, an impressive and little-known architectural legacy remains to show us how New Yorkers have lived and prospered over the centuries since the days when the population stood at around one thousand); Postscripts To History (A New Jersey high school teacher and his students uncover the inspiration for the most famous of all Civil War novels); Editors’ Bookshelf

Issue:  May – June 1991

Condition:  Very Good