American Heritage Magazine 1991 July – August


American Heritage Magazine 1991 July – August

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Contents:  Letters From The Editor; Correspondence; The Life And Times (Of Douglas MacArthur); The Business Of America (The farthest fall); In The News (The rites of postwar reparations); My Brush With History (History on my block); American Made (A Molesworth chandelier); History Happened Here (Camp site – Chautauqua, New York); The Time Machine; How The Seventies Changed America (The “loser decade” is beginning to reveal itself as a bigger time than we thought); Seeking The Greatest Bluesman (Robert Johnson died in obscurity in 1938. Only recently have the facts of his short, tragic life become known); Pride Of The Prairie (At the dawn of this century a new form of residential architecture rose from the American heartland); Cold Mine (Ice was priceless in Calcutta, and a fortune awaited the man who figured out how to get it there); The Media And The Military (It’s been a long. acrimonious road from Bull Run to Basara. Sometimes the press has the upper hand; sometimes the generals do. But the basic argument never changes); The Organized President (When Jefferson wanted a job done right, he did it himself); Visions Of My Father (You can rise fast and far in America, but the cost of the journey can be hard to tally); Present At The Apocalypse (Jan Wollett was on the last flight out of a crumbling Da Nang in 1975); Then And Now (In pictures); Postscripts To History (Whose house was this, anyway?); Editors’ Bookshelf

Issue:  July – August 1991

Condition:  Very Good