American Heritage Magazine 1991 December


American Heritage Magazine 1991 December

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Contents:  Letter From The Editor; Correspondence; The Life And Times (Remembering the Pacific war); The Business Of America (The American superweapon); In The News (The first U.S.-Japan encounter); History Happened Here (London calling); American Made (The Jeep); My Brush With History (A date with a bombing); The Time Machine; My Guns: A Memoir Of The Second World War (Seeking the answer to a simple and terrible question: What was it like?); Secret Treason (He wanted only what every journalist of the time did: an exclusive interview with the Duke of Windsor. What he got was a once-in-a-lifetime story that was too hot to print – until now); The Transatlantic Duel: Hitler vs. Roosevelt (In 1941 the President understood better than many Americans the man who was running Germany, and Hitler understood Roosevelt and his country better than we knew); What To Call It? (It took us longer to name the war than to fight it); The Biggest Theater (Revisiting the seas where American carriers turned the course of history, a Navy man re-creates a time of frightful odds and brilliant gambles); Casablanca (Desperate improvisations in the face of imminent disaster saw us through the early years of the fight. They also gave us the war’s greatest movie); A Place To Be Lousy In (North Africa was where the American army learned the hard lessons – none harder than the disaster at Kasserine. This was the campaign that taught us hot to fight a war); Hardships (An airman’s sketchbook); Editors’ Bookshelf

Issue:  December 1991

Condition:  Very Good