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American Heritage Magazine 1991 April


American Heritage Magazine 1991 April


Contents:  Letter From The Editors; Correspondence; The Life And Times (Of Henry Morton Stanley); The Business Of America (The American game); In The News (How we go to war); History Happened Here (Following a train to sea); American Made (Pairpoint table lamp); My Brush With History (“…and justice for all.”); The Time Machine; Links With History (More than any other game, golf is played with a sense of tradition); Billy The Kid Country (His legend belongs to the whole world now. But to find the grinning boy who gave rise to it, you must visit New Mexico); An Unofficial Tour Of Yale (A lively intimate, and idiosyncratic ramble across one campus and three countries); The Traveler’s Bible (How two drummers made a spiritual mark on hotels worldwide); The Double Life Of Hot Springs (For a century and a half, it has been both a lavish spa and an infirmary); Nicknames On The Land (“Welcome to the City of Cheese, Chairs, Children, and Churches); Loyalist Refuge (When their side lost the Revolution, New Englanders who had backed Britain sailed north to New Brunswick and founded a town that still flourishes); The Day Wall Street Turned Into Orchard Street (As long as there have been bankers and brokers, there have been people asking what would happen if they had to earn an honest living); Then And Now (In pictures); Editors’ Bookshelf

Issue:  April 1991

Condition:  Very Good