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American Heritage Magazine 1981 April – May


American Heritage Magazine 1981 April – May


Contents:  Letter From The Editor (Flap); Memories Of Peace And War (An exclusive interview with General Maxwell D. Taylor); Patchwork Primitives (The surprising paintings of Jean Lipman); Now And Then (The American Dream); Explosion In The Magic Valley (The photographic record of a Western success story); A Heritage Preserved (Rescuing the first resource); The Newburgh Conspiracy (Only the harried commander of the Continental Army stood between mutiny and the most important principle of the infant nation – the supremacy of civilian rule); American Characters (George Labram); William Randolph Hearst’s Monastery (He could build castles at his whim, but the ancient home of a small band of monks defeated him); Yankee Tarzan (When Joseph Knowles stripped to the buff and slipped into the Maine woods in 1913, he hoped to lead the nation back to nature); After The Air Raids (An insider’s account of a startling – and still controversial – investigation of the Allied bombing of Germany); The Central Park (The miraculous birth – and still more miraculous survival – of Manhattan’s most precious acreage); The Painter’s Park (A portfolio); Lord Bryce (Few men – foreign or native born – have ever understood us better than this infinitely curious, inveterate visitor from England); Making History (An interview with C. Vann Woodward); Readers’ Album (Errand of mirth); Postscripts

Issue:  1981 April – May

Condition:  Very Good