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American Handgunner Magazine 1989 January – February


American Handgunner Magazine 1989 January – February


Contents:  Safari Club’s Hand Cannon (An exquisite custom Contender from SSK for SCI); Final Option (A hot new speed holster for IPSC from Safariland); The AYOOB Files (Terror erupts violently in the Four Minute Massacre); Handgunning Hints (Subtle points to improve the two-handed revolver hold); Match Barrels (Is the price of a match-grade barrel worth it?); The Guns Of Tim Brian (A profile of a pistolsmith and his custom guns); Armscorp (A nifty pocket pistol with the power of the 9mm); Wildey Survivor (The awesome power of the .475 Magnum in the Wildey pistol); 500 Meter Handgunning (Wh-what? Two-inch groups at 500 meters? With a handgun?); Custom Gun Giveaway (You can win a spectacular Andy Cannon custom .44 Special); Ruger SP-101 (A five-shot .38 Special hideout gun, Ruger’s latest); Bianchi Cup X (Other than rude referees and incompetent ROs, a good match); 3-D Bullets (Good swaged lead bullets at a reasonable price); Parts-Built Sixshooter (Got a boxfull of old Colt SAA parts? Put ’em together); Taffin Test (High performance favorite loads for the .38 Super) Columns – Speakout; Insights Into IPSC; Handgun Hunting; Siluetas; Handloading; Cop Talk; Leatham’s Column; Pistolsmithing; Industry Insider

Issue:  January – February 1989

Condition:  Very Good