Allsweet Ad 1952


Allsweet Ad from September 1952 McCall’s.

1 in stock


Allsweet Ad 1952Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their delicious Oleomargarine. The ad shows a table fully set with delicious foods and a butter knife laden with a gob of this product and the message “The Margarine with delicate natural flavor emblazoned on it. The ad asks you to “Set your table with delicious Allsweet and there is a picture of a package of this product. The ad also offers a savings on Oneida Sterling with a Choice of 2 patterns and sold “at about half usual retail price”. You were able to get a 4-piece place setting for $8.75 and only 7 Certificates from Allsweet.

Source:  September 1952 McCall’s.