Albert Dorne Imperial Whiskey Ad July 1950


Albert Dorne Imperial Whiskey Ad from July 24, 1950 Life magazine.

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Albert Dorne Imperial Whiskey Ad July 1950Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their Hiram Walker Blended Whiskey with a four-frame story drawn by Albert Dorne. The storyline shows four men from about the time this product was first distilled paying croquet and singing a commercial. The words start “When Grandpa’s cronies gathered ’round to roll ’em through the wicket -“ then “A mellow, friendly tasting drink was voted just the ticket -“. As the ball strikes the post it goes “If you’d like old-time taste like that there’s one sure way to pick it -“ then the men all stand together and harmonize “Just tell the man you want Imperial. A large mention is made of the fact that Hiram Walker’s 92 years at fine whiskey-making makes Imperial good!”.

Source:  July 24, 1950 Life magazine.