AC Spark Plugs Ad February 1965


AC Spark Plugs Ad from February 9, 1965 Look magazine & February 12, 1965 Life magazine.

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AC Spark Plugs Ad February 1965Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that talks about the AC Fire-Ring Spark Plugs. The ad starts off by saying that they will tell you “How AC Fire-Ring Spark Plugs clean themselves – help boost engine power”. The ad then has four boxes that do the job. Box #1 says that “As the AC Fire-Ring Spark Plug fires, it helps deliver maximum power from each drop of gasoline”. In Box #2 it says that “During combustion, the intense heat of AC’s exclusive Hot Tip Insulator burns away fouling deposits”. Then, in Box #3, it says that AC’s cleaner tip helps maintain full power longer, helps promote better mileage from your car”. And, in Box #4, it says to “Ask your AC dealer for self-cleaning action. He has AC Fire-Ring Spark Plugs specially engineered for your car”.

Source:  February 9, 1965 Look magazine & February 12, 1965 Life magazine.