AC Spark Plugs Ad 1955


AC Spark Plugs Ad from December 5, 1955 Life magazine.

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AC Spark Plugs Ad 1955Three color 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad that is for AC Spark Plugs. This is a holiday seasons ad with a drawing of Sparky the Horse, wearing a red hat and a belt full of bells, flying through the air and, winking at the readers of this ad. The caption at the top claims that AC wishes you happy holiday motoring!” before the ad starts off with the normal selling stuff. “The holidays are a time when our minds are on the electric hustle and bustle and excitement of Christmas. But…and this is a big “but”…the first really cold days of winter are upon us. Engines are cold and stiff. You need the lively power of AC Hot Tip Spark Plugs more right now than you do at any other season of the year. AC‘s exclusive, deep-recessed tip keeps cars running smoother because it heats up faster, stays clean longer, and resists carbon and oil fouling. Let your nearby AC Dealer install a new set of AC Hot Tips today…and every 10,000 miles from now on. Then you’ll really be set for happy motoring…your car will be set for the holidays and the rest of the year”.

Source:  December 5, 1955 Life magazine.