1847 Rogers Bros Ad 1926


1847 Rogers Bros Ad from April 1926 Good Housekeeping.

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1847 Rogers Bros Ad 1926Full color 7 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ ad for their Utility Tray Set. The headline begins the discussion by saying “In Behalf of the Bride” and follows with a letter to grooms-to-be about something to consider for their new wives to make their life as a homemaker easier. The text mentions some of the things that he will expect of her in the kitchen and talks about the 26 piece Utility Tray Set for $34 being a wise investment to make her task easier. The text also mentions other sets including The AnniversaryThe Ancestral and The Ambassador. Shown at the bottom of the ad is a picture of a bride and groom looking at a set of silverplate and seeing their reflections in the serving dish.

Source:  April 1926 Good Housekeeping.