Full color 8″ x 10 3/4″ ad for their Men’s Grooming Products. The picture shows a dresser top where a man has placed a few of his important items before going to bed. There is the lit cigarette burning in the ashtray, the traveling alarm clock, his pistol with a few loose bullets lying next to it and his bottle of 007 After Shave. The headline says “007 gives any man the license to kill…women” and there is a picture of an attentive blonde next to a picture of a gift box with a bottle each of their After Shave and Cologne with a price of $3.50. The text mentions that, in addition to the pictured items, they also offered Shave Cream, Spray Deodorant, Hair Tonic, Talc and Soap. The ad ends with the plea that “When you use 007, be kind”.
Source: December 1965 Playboy.