Full color 10″ x 13″ ad with a picture of three well-dressed women and four men in dark suits immersed in deep, meaningful conversations on what looks to be a stage. One of the women has turned towards us with a drink in her hand and, amazing, it’s Angela Lansbury. She is smiling and glad to see us and the text for the picture tells us that she is “Mame – Smash Musical Hit”. In front of her is a table with several bottles of Heublein Cocktails with probably five glasses that all seem to have something different poured into them. “Put the spirit of Mame in your party, says Angela Lansbury. Serve Heublein Cocktails. They’re full strength with all the liquor in the real liquor bottle, 14 kinds. Just pour on-the-rocks…and take bows”. The last line calls this “Heublein Cocktails: better than most people make”.
Source: December 23, 1966 Life magazine.