Anaconda Brass Pipes Ad 1930


Anaconda Brass Pipes Ad from March 1930 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Anaconda Brass Pipes Ad 1930Black and white 7 1/2″ x 11″ ad for their Brass Water Pipes. The ad has a large picture of a disappointed lady sitting on the edge of her tub watching dirty water trickle in. The caption of this picture says “Rust in the water pipe! – You can’t get water except in a trickle…To assure a full flow, use Anaconda Brass Pipe…It cannot rust. The second picture shows a plumber who has torn a section of wall out to work on the existing pipes. This caption says “A close-up picture of what actually happens when rustable pipe is used in the plumbing system. Notice the rust on the outsideInside the pipe is so badly clogged with rust that replacement is necessary. Anaconda Brass Pipe eliminates this expense because it cannot rust. The third picture shows a happy lady folding clothes with a caption that explains “Your laundress knows how damaging rust spots are to clothes. Rusted water pipes make it almost impossible to avoid rust spots. Many housewives protect their laundry, and their children’s drinking water by insisting that Anaconda Brass Pipes be installed in their homes”.

Source:  March 1930 Better Homes & Gardens.