Goodyear Tires Ad 1953


Goodyear Tires Ad from July 27, 1953 Life magazine.

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Goodyear Tires Ad 1953Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the fact that “More people ride on Goodyear tires than on any other kind” with specific attention to their DeLuxe Super cushion. The ad says this claim was “True Yesterday…even truer today” and has a drawing of a car from yesteryear and a picture of the front of a Yellow car that is stopped by the side of a mountainous road and cocked the wheel just a little so the tread pattern of this brand new tire is visible. The text talks about the constant improvements that automobiles are seeing, year after year, and it is important for the tire manufacturers to predict what changes will be coming and make tires that meet them. They also make the claim that “so far has tire building at Goodyear advanced that the cost to you per thousand miles is less than half what it was in 1926!.

Source:  July 27, 1953 Life magazine.