AC Spark Plugs Ad May 1964


AC Spark Plugs Ad from May 5, 1964 Look magazine.

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AC Spark Plugs Ad May 1964Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that is for AC Spark Plugs. This ad has a drawing of a futuristic society where a Yellow car is being driven at a high rate of speed by the man in the driver’s seat. Above him is flying a large AC Spark Plug going at the same rate of speed. The caption says this is The Cadillac Cyclone, 104″ wheelbase 196.9 overall displacement 390 cu. in. compression ratio 10.5 to 1, torque 430 ft./ lbs. at 3,100 r.p.m.” The headline says this is a “Cyclone by Cadillac – power by AC Spark Plugs. It then says that “This is the Cyclone by Cadillac. AC Fire-Ring Spark Plugs are specified by engineers to spark the power of this experimental car. For the same powerful action in your car, specify AC’s with the exclusive Self-Cleaning Hot Tip”.

Source:  May 5, 1964 Look magazine.