Texaco Ad August 1943


Texaco Ad from August 30, 1943 Life magazine.

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Texaco Ad August 1943Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ wartime ad that pays tribute to the many soldiers that were fighting to retain our freedom and to the many ways that the people at home can help too, Pictured in the ad are 23 different ribbons as examples of some of what were being awarded to soldiers in our service. The headline reminds us that they are “YOUR battles, too!” and said that “Perhaps you helped win them”. It mentions donating blood, not using rubber so that more is available to the soldiers and using less gasoline in order to help “our armies drive on to Berlin”. It also, as usual, mentions buying War Stamps and that The Texas Company is producing “millions of gallons of 100-octane gasoline…toluene for explosives…high quality lubricating oils for our fighting forces”. Lest the 100-octane statement confuse you, that was what was available for the military and their high performance engines, the people on the home front were mostly using a combination of gasoline and benzene.

Source:  August 30, 1943 Life magazine.