Royal Vacuum Cleaner Ad 1951


Royal Vacuum Cleaner Ad from April 1951 Good Housekeeping.

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Royal Vacuum Cleaner Ad 1951Three color 5″ x 11″ ad for their Vacuum Cleaners with special emphasis on their Royal “Cylinder” Cleaners. The headline calls them “Easy, Quick, Sanitary” and claims their “‘Toss Out’ PAPER BAGS solve the Problem of Dirt Disposal”. We see a picture of this model and it’s Accessory Holder and the headline claims that “You get Many More New Features in 1951 Royal ‘Cylinder’ Cleaner. Below this is a picture of a lady using one of their Royal Revolving Brush Cleaners and claims that these too were available with the “Toss Out” Paper Bags.

Source:  April 1951 Good Housekeeping.