Reo Trucks Ad October 1952


Reo Trucks Ad from October 20, 1952 Life magazine.

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Reo Trucks Ad October 19521953 Reo Gold Comet Trucks – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that is another that wants you to “Vote Reo For Pulling Power”, or, at least, that’s what the banners say in the cartoon shown in the ad. The cartoon has a man standing on top of the cab of a Reo truck and he is speaking in a public format to a group of dressed-up people running up around him. The text claims that “The swing is to Reo, from coast-to-coast. Reo‘s winning platform makes sense to truckers…bigger payloads because of Reo More-Load-Design and Gold Comet Power; lower maintenance and repair costs brought about by Reo engineering and advancements such as replaceable wet-sleeve cylinders, and interchangeable main bearings; plus smooth, economical performance. Tell your Reo dealer you want to “meet the candidate” for an on-the-job demonstration”. The bottom part of the ad is a little reminder that Reo Builds The Amazing Eager Beaver Truck For The U.S. Army”.

Source:  October 20, 1952 Life magazine.