Reo Trucks Ad June 1952


Reo Trucks Ad from June 30, 1952 Life magazine.

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Reo Trucks Ad June 19521952 Gold Comet Trucks – Full color 10″ x 14″ ad for the Power that these vehicles will supply to their owners. There is a picture that shows a racetrack where cars like those of the Indy 500 are trying to catch up with the Reo Gold Comet that is running with no body being driven, in chariot style, by Benny who holds reins in one hand and a whip in the other. The headline promises that “You’ll be ‘Way Ahead with a Reo Gold Comet and over a drawing of the driver are the words “Benny (Ben Hur), that is) Says: This Reo Gold Comet puts other truck engines in the same class with my old hayburners that I discarded centuries ago. What’s more, Reo now makes a Gold Comet specially designed for use with LPG, in addition to the gasoline line. Better make a date to demonstrate, today”. The text also mentions that you can replace engines in other model trucks with a Reo Gold Comet engine.

Source:  June 30, 1952 Life magazine.