Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Ad 1951


Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Ad from April 1951 Good Housekeeping.

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Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Ad 1951Black and white 5″ x 11″ ad that discusses the Long-Lasting, Reliability of their products. The ad pictures an Upright and a Canister and says “For ’51…and the years to come – Times being what they are, hadn’t you better buy a Hoover now?”. The Upright shown is the Model 29 which it describes and mentions a price of $87.95 for. The Tank Cleaner that it shows is the Model 51 which it describes and gives a price of $84.95. It does not illustrate a Model 41 but gives a few details of it and mentions a price of $69.95. The ad ends by giving facts that the company feels will help you decide that a Hoover is the only brand to consider.

Source:  April 1951 Good Housekeeping.