Ford Pickup Trucks Ad March 1966


Ford Pickup Trucks Ad from March 25, 1966 Life magazine.

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Ford Pickup Trucks Ad March 1966Ford Pickups – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that asks you to pay little attention to all of the computer figures, the ones that say that Ford Pickup Trucks have the best ride, and decide for yourself. There is a picture from the side of a man hauling a load in his Red Ford Pickup under the headline that says “Scoff at our scientific proof, if you will. Your seat-of-the-pants will tell you what’s No. 1 about our Pickup ride”. The text talks about how a computer was programmed to compare rides and, as expected, came up with the result that the Ford Pickup was “35.09% better than the average of the others”. This and a couple of beers got the Ford Engineers wondering and they began to realize that many items about a ride need to be a personal decision so they are more-than-willing to let “your seat-of-the-pants” decide what truck feels best for you to drive.

Source:  March 25, 1966 Life magazine.