Westinghouse Refrigerator Ad 1941


Westinghouse Refrigerator Ad from April 1941 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Westinghouse Refrigerator Ad 1941Full color 9″ x 12 1/2″ ad for their Refrigerators for 1941. The ad has a picture of a breakfast table set with a variety of food which the headline calls “Just a Simple Breakfast – but it takes 5 Kinds of Refrigeration to make it Perfect” and a photo of a little boy is next to it adding “-and that goes for every meal you eat or serve”. The ad identifies these five kinds of refrigeration as 1) steady cold with moderate humidity, 2) safe above-freezing cold, 3) moderate cold mild humidity 4) mild cold high humidity and 5) extreme cold no humidity. The ad claims that with their True-Temp Control “Only Westinghouse has it!”. At the bottom of the ad are shown three models that were being offered just before World War II broke out, the Martha Washington, the Dolly Madison and the Betsy Ross. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  April 1941 Better Homes & Gardens.