Camel Cigarettes Ad Dec 1947


Camel Cigarettes Ad from  December 16, 1946 Life magazine

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Camel Cigarettes Dec 1947Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad with the unfortunate information that “According to a recent nationwide survey: More Doctors smoke Camels than any other Cigarette”. This late December ad has a picture of a snowy evening as a doctor arrives at a house making what we used to enjoy called a “House Call”. The ad caption has a few lines of Twas the Night Before Christmas, specifically the “not a creature was stirring” part as it talks about the devotion that doctors of old had. The text talks about the extensive survey that was made covering 113, 597 doctors of all types from east to west, from north to south and the overwhelming winner to the question “What cigarette do you smoke, Doctor?” was Camel. It explains that, “Like anyone else, a doctor smokes for pleasure” and swoops in to talking about the T-Zone which is T for Taste and T for Throat. How right they were, the Taste came today and the loss of the Throat came tomorrow.

Source: December 16, 1946 Life magazine