Philco Refrigerator Ad March 1951


Philco Refrigerator Ad from March 1951 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Philco Refrigerator Ad March 1951Full color 8 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ ad for their line of Refrigerators that now include units with Automatic De-Frost and units with 2-Doors. The ad looks kinda like a science-fiction movie from the ’50s with a picture of a filled refrigerator with the doors open standing in front of the huge face of a lady who is either smiling or grimacing with a deep green background behind it all. The ad claims that features like the Automatic De-Frost and units with 2-Doors are “yours from Philco at far less cost!”. They are proud enough of these units to call them An entirely new kind of refrigerator developed by Philco refrigeration engineers!”. This ad is slightly larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  March 1951 Better Homes & Gardens.