Hotpoint Refrigerator Ad 1950


Hotpoint Refrigerator Ad from July 1950 McCall’s.

1 in stock


Hotpoint Refrigerator Ad 1950Full color 9 1/2″ x 12″ ad for the units that were being introduced for 1950. The ad has a picture of a huge unit that has it’s Freezer and Refrigerator open to expose it’s contents to the large number of very small people who stand around the base. The ad headline claims that it is “Out in Front With Everything – New Hotpoint for ’50 World’s most convenient Refrigerator!”. Pointing to different areas of the refrigerator are labels that call it “Out in Front for Completeness”“Out in Front with ‘Super-Stor'” and “Out in Front for Convenience”. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  July 1950 McCall’s.