Volkswagen Squareback Sedan Ad June 1967


Volkswagen Squareback Sedan Ad from June 2, 1967 Life magazine.

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Volkswagen Squareback Sedan Ad June 1967VW Squareback Sedan – Black and white 10″ x 13″ ad that tries to decide what to call one of their cars. There is a photo of two parked VW Squareback Sedans. One is facing the camera and the other is facing away with it’s tailgate up so the reader can see how full loaded it can become. The ad headline asks the question “Is it a small sedan that’s a station wagon or a small station wagon that’s a sedan”. The text explains that with the back seat up it is more like a sedan and with the back seat down it is more like a station wagon. It compares this car to the VW Bus which will hold more and to the VW Bug that will hold less so they have decided that it’s neither of them but they still don’t know what to call it.

Source:  June 2, 1967 Life magazine.