Hotpoint Refrigerator Ad December 1946


Hotpoint Refrigerator Ad from December 16, 1946 Life magazine.

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Hotpoint Refrigerator Ad December 1946Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Electric Refrigerators. The banner headline says that Hotpoint Electric Refrigerators…make good homes better!” and the ad doesn’t make you wonder what they mean. The ad mentions and explains Better HealthBetter Freezing, how they are Better Looking, you will be able to undertake Better Planning and they certainly have Better Features. The ad feels that three simple comparisons are all that you will need to convince you: Compare QualityCompare Performance and then Compare Price. There is a picture of an unidentified unit shown in the ad filled with food and the door open so that the vast quantity of food that it is capable of holding is shown. Maybe vast is too strong of a word.

Source:  December 16, 1946 Life magazine.